Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Various dishes from Peacock Bass

I love to eat fish. Most of the time my wife cooks the dishes, so when it comes to fresh water fishes like Peacock Bass....It's different cooking style. These fresh water fishes have some what a kind of smell of mud. Some fresh water fish species have strong mud smell but surprisingly, PBs don't have that strong smell.

In-order to give the PB a better taste, we rub salt on to the body and the inside of the belly. Some say that soaking in Assam water or black vinegar will kill off the smell.

Well, we managed that and come up with these dishes: -

Assam Buak Keluak PB.

Assam Pedas.....Garnishes with onions, chilli, pineapple, ladies fingers and tomatoes.

Fried with chilli topping, tomatoes and corriander leaves.

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