Location: Changi, Tekong, Ubin.
Rod: Assinnie PE 1-2.
Reel: Zebco
Today Taufik cannot come along, but still got Thanatos and his gang. As usual with Ah Chong's boat and we will be targeting for Ang Chor. I told them that I have not got any Ang Chor before.
We went to the structured area to target the Ang Chor.....like the last trip...lines went ...zzzzzz...zzzz...zzzzzzzz.....and the monster that did that came out -----> the Ang Chor......
Landed this Ang Chor at 1.1 Kg.

Total two Ang Chor landed.
Nice trip and very fruitful, learn a few lessons and to bring two rods always.