Have been visiting the sea lately for fishing. Partly, I want to get saltwater fishes. I know I can catch the reservior fishes easily, but for the saltwater fishes.....uummmm.
The last time I was catching Tambans at Bedok Jetty. This time round...going to a new location near the airport. With good deep waters around the varity of fishes are good.
I have been there for four times and catch nothing....but the hope of catching one is there. I saw many older people catching the rabbit fishes and I managed to learn the method to catch them.
Tomorrow morning I will be going there to catch the same fishes. Will also try jigging for squid. Hopefully, I will land something.
The last time I was catching Tambans at Bedok Jetty. This time round...going to a new location near the airport. With good deep waters around the varity of fishes are good.
I have been there for four times and catch nothing....but the hope of catching one is there. I saw many older people catching the rabbit fishes and I managed to learn the method to catch them.
Tomorrow morning I will be going there to catch the same fishes. Will also try jigging for squid. Hopefully, I will land something.

Got this one after several tries.